Private Equity

Services:  Fund Raising, Mergers & Acquisitions, New Markets, Board Advisory.

Private equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) was in its pomp in the 1980s, and in 1990. Today, an oversupply of funds and investor money looking for opportunities is forcing investments in higher-risk business and the acceptance of more marginal returns.

One clear trend in the industry is that significant numbers of partners are leaving the major PE players and setting up their own funds. It is indeed a trend that brings glory at the outset, but is faced with an increasingly complex regulatory environment which demands increasing transparency and honest fiduciary. Then comes, the complexity and difficulty of raising capital for the fund. This is the starting point.

Consistent and predictable performance is an altogether different challenge which takes tactical expertise on deal flow, due diligence, board observation and portfolio management amongst a host of activities.

Over the last decade, we have proven to be an invaluable partner in this invigorating journey of successfully running a “high-risk” capital institution, not only for our friendships with investor ecosystems but also our deep positions within the investee ecosystems.



Quick links:  vision, mission, attitude.

Reality & Facts Based
Genuine, Ethical, Proactive
Simple & Humble
Entrepreneurial, Socially Responsible
Fast, Accurate, Excellent

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